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Debunking 4 common adoption myths

On Behalf of | Nov 29, 2017 | Child Custody

Adoption is a worthwhile endeavor for any parents looking to bring a child into their lives. In the United States alone, there are 400,000 children in the foster care system, and out of that number, approximately 100,000 are currently waiting to find adoptive parents.

Part of the reason many parents are hesitant about undergoing the adoption process is the persistent myths that surround it. While the process certainly requires money and patience, it can be well worth it in the long run.

Myth #1: Adoption costs a lot

It certainly costs money to adopt, and there are definitely expenses associated with having any child. However, there are programs available to make the process easier on parents. You may qualify for both federal and state tax credits. Parents may also qualify for subsidies and sliding scale fees. When in doubt, parents should always ask about what financial help is on the table.

Myth #2: It takes forever to finish

Waiting to bring a new child home with you may seem like an eternity, but most parents can complete the process in under a year when adopting a child already residing in the United States. When adopting a child from another country, the process may take up to two years.

Myth #3: The birth parent can take the child back

Many parents seeking adoption worry about the child’s birth parents coming to take back their kid. However, the reason why adoption takes so long is that it is a legally binding process. When you adopt, the child legally becomes yours. Instances of a birth parent coming back into the picture to remove the child from a household are extremely rare anyway.

Myth #4: You cannot adopt a child you already know

In many cases, caseworkers will look toward connections the child already has when looking for a potential adoption. Even if parents already know the couple who surrendered the baby, those parents would still be able to bring the child into their home to create a more stable environment.
