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When is an ignition interlock device required following a DUI?

On Behalf of | Oct 6, 2020 | Criminal Defense

One of the many possible consequences of a DUI is the requirement to install an ignition interlock device on your vehicle. The following is a brief overview of ignition interlock laws in Minnesota.

What is an ignition interlock device?

Ignition interlock devices are small, around the size of a calculator, and contain a tube. It is placed near the vehicle’s steering wheel and is connected to the vehicle’s engine. Like a Breathalyzer, before driving a motorist will blow into the tube so their blood-alcohol concentration can be obtained. If a motorist has even a nominal amount of alcohol in their system, the ignition interlock device will stop the car from starting.

When will I be required to use an ignition interlock device?

If it is your first DUI, and you had a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.16 or higher, you may be required to use an ignition interlock device. In addition, you may be required to use an ignition interlock device if it is your second or subsequent DUI offense.

Ignition interlock devices are not the only consequences of a DUI

It is easy to see how detrimental an ignition interlock device can be to one’s life. We depend on being able to drive to work, run errands and get to appointments. An ignition interlock device can keep you from doing these essential tasks, even if you are below the legal limit.

However, the use of an ignition interlock device is not the only consequence of a DUI. Depending on the circumstances, if you receive a DUI, you may have your driver’s license suspended, and you could face fines or even jail time. In addition, you will have a criminal record that could follow you for years to come. Therefore, those who are facing drunk driving charges will want to take the steps necessary to protect their rights.
