Most motor vehicle accidents are confusing because the incident happens in only a few seconds, and witnesses are not always able to order their observations and memories before they are interviewed by police. This confusion increases significantly in crashes involving more than two vehicles. A recent three-vehicle accident south of St. Cloud demonstrates how this added confusion can aid anyone who attempts to abandon the scene.
The incident
According to police, a box truck was making a left turn to head south on Stearns County Highway 75. An SUV, heading north on Hwy. 75, ran a red light and collided with the turning truck. The driver of the SUV lost control of his vehicle and hit another vehicle. Police think that the SUV then left the road and crashed into a row of trees. The driver of the SUV then left abandoned the vehicle, leaving behind two passengers who were taken to a St. Cloud hospital with serious but non-life threatening injuries. The SUV driver has not been apprehended.
The narrative of this accident as reported in the local media leaves many unanswered questions. Was alcohol involved? Does the driver of the SUV have prior convictions for DWI or reckless driving? Will the injured persons be able to recover damages?
The answers to many of these questions depend upon whether police will be able to find the absconding driver of the SUV. The persons who suffered serious injuries in the accident must first look to their own auto insurance policies to recover medical expenses and any lost income. Anyone who has suffered an injury in a motor vehicle under similar circumstances may benefit from consulting an experienced personal injury attorney for an evaluation of the evidence and an opinion of the likelihood of recovering damages for medical expenses, present and future lost income and permanent disability.