If a person is the victim of domestic abuse in Minnesota, he or she can file an order for protection. Domestic abuse is defined as an act committed by a family or household member against another family or household member. It may include physical harm, bodily injury,...
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Family Law
Domestic abuse victims can request an order for protection
In Minnesota, domestic abuse includes infliction of physical harm, bodily injury or assault, infliction of fear of imminent physical harm, terroristic threats, acts of criminal sexual conduct or interference with an emergency call. Acts of domestic abuse are committed...
How and why is paternity determined in Minnesota?
There are many benefits to determining paternity of a child. The family law process can help families enjoy these benefits by providing a process to determine paternity. What are the ways to determine paternity in Minnesota? There are three primary ways of determining...
The mechanics of establishing paternity in Minnesota
“Paternity” is the legal term that means the legal father of a child born in Minnesota. Once a man is determined to be the legal father of a child, that man has an obligation to financially support the child. Getting to the end of a paternity case, however, is not...
The stepparent adoption process in Minnesota
The love of a parent is critical in the proper development of a child. Sometimes, that parental love is strongest with non-biological parents. For stepparents looking to adopt their spouses' children, it is important to be familiar with all aspects of the...
Child support calculation and payment
Divorce and child custody cases often cause high stress. A hot point with many is money, and more specifically, how much one thinks the other should receive. Child support payments can cause an ongoing issue between former spouses long after the judge issues the final...
How easy is it to adopt in Minnesota?
If you are thinking about adopting child in Minnesota, you will be glad to know that our state has very liberal adoption laws. Bear in mind, however, that the following information applies only to the adoption laws of Minnesota and therefore children adopted...
Does the Department of State help during your foreign adoption?
Many Americans are choosing international adoptions, but navigating adoption law in two separate countries can be quite difficult, and parents may hope that the U.S. Department of State will help. However, the Department of State cannot represent adoptive parents in...
Avoiding common adoption mistakes
If you are considering adopting a child because of infertility, a desire to help someone in need or for another reason entirely, know that adoption can be one of life's greatest joys. It can make a tremendous difference in the life of a child and in yours, as well,...
What to expect when you’re adopting in Minnesota
Adopting a new family member is cause for celebration, but the legal path can often seem confusing and stressful. Learning a bit about what to expect can help you relax and prepare for welcoming a new member into your family. No two families are exactly alike, and...