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More than 100 road deaths recorded in Minnesota so far in 2021

On Behalf of | May 7, 2021 | Personal Injury

There are inherent dangers when taking to the road in Minnesota. People are advised to be vigilant and aware. This is true whether they are driving, are passengers, are motorcyclists, bicyclists or pedestrians. As part of the ongoing attempt to ensure the roads are safe, state agencies track the number of crashes, their severity and how they happened to try and find solutions. This is taking on greater urgency in 2021 amid a worrisome spike in fatal accidents. People should be cognizant of the potential dangers they might face.

State roads log more than 100 fatalities at earliest point since 2015

Minnesota has had more than 100 road deaths at the earliest point on the calendar in six years. The Minnesota Department of Public Safety (DPS) has expressed concern about these statistics. As of the last week in April, there were 102 such incidents. At the same juncture in 2020, there were 82 and the state did not reach triple-digits until late May. Breaking down the numbers shows that 49 accidents involved more than one vehicle; 51 were single-vehicle accidents; 22 involved a truck; two were bicyclists; 11 were pedestrians; two were motorcyclists; and 82 were in motor vehicles. Factors that are believed to have played a role include alcohol (21); distracted driving (two); speeding (40); and failure to wear a seatbelt (31).

According to the Office of Traffic Safety, these accidents could be prevented or at least reduced if drivers simply adhere to the law and use common sense. Speeding is a major problem, but so too is distraction, DUI and not taking proper safety precautions by buckling up. Males were the primary victims in the fatal accidents, comprising 70%. People age 51 and above accounted for 31%. Nearly half were between the ages of 21 and 50. People 31 to 40 were the most vulnerable.

Dealing with the aftermath of an auto accident may require help

Losing a loved one in an auto accident is unexpected and emotionally wrenching. People who are confronted with the inevitable challenges accompanying this type of incident will likely be unsure of what they should do next. Medical costs, lost companionship, lost financial contributions and an uncertain future can be overwhelming. While it is difficult, it is imperative to think about how to proceed. Even if the accident did not result in a fatality, there will be these issues and more to think about. To have a full investigation as to the cause and assess the available options, it is useful to have professional help from the start. Consulting with experienced professionals is a sound first step.
