The Local, Legal Allies You Want In Your Corner


Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) During These Challenging Times

For those of you who have scheduled mediation with Kendra, Russ, or Kim, or who are contemplating scheduling mediation, we are aware that CDC recommendations and state orders will continue to affect everyday life for the foreseeable future.  The safety and well-being of all participants in the ADR process is essential to a quality process.

The mediators in our office are scheduling and conducting mediations and are willing to proceed by phone, Skype, Zoom, or other electronic platform.  We are also offering in person mediations consistent with the recommended social distancing policies.  We have learned from mediations already conducted in April 2020, that challenges presented by mediations by telephone and other electronic platforms are both manageable and effective.  If you have already scheduled a mediation session, we will be in touch to confirm the arrangements for your specific case.

We want to be flexible in meeting the needs and concerns of you and your clients and representatives, both for scheduled sessions and to be scheduled sessions.  Thank you.

OFFICE HOURS: Due to Executive Order 20-20 issued on March 25, 2020, our office will be closed to the public during regular business hours until at least April 13, 2020. We will still be working for you to address your ongoing legal needs.

VOICEMAIL: If you choose to leave a voicemail after our regular hours or on the weekends, please follow the voice prompts to deposit that message directly in the voicemail box of the attorney/legal assistant assigned to your file to prevent the receptionist voicemail box from being filled to capacity and to allow your attorney to address your voicemail directly.

EMAIL: During this time, the most efficient method of communication will likely be through email. It is very likely the attorneys will not respond to emails as promptly as if we were present in the office full-time. However, the attorneys will respond as appropriate on their files.

COURT PROCEEDINGS. There are no court non-emergency court proceedings until late April at this time.